
Let's make Viet Nam
Green - Clean - Beautiful

Visualizing Mismanaged Plastic Waste by Country

Plastic is one of the most useful materials around, but its proliferating use has created a ballooning heap of plastic waste, with more than 350 million tonnes generated each year. Only a fraction of plastic waste is recycled, and about one-fifth ends up in the mismanaged category, meaning that it is dumped or littered without proper waste management practices. […]

Private companies committed to net-zero emissions

Companies in different economic sectors has shown a strong shift towards sustainable development, paving the way towards the realisation of Vietnam’s net zero targets by 2025. HSBC Vietnam introduced Vietnam’s first card made from recycled Polyvinyl chloride (rPVC) plastic. Its ambition is eliminating single-use PVC plastic by the end of 2026, in favour of rPVC. […]

Main goals of PRO Vietnam in 2022

After a long time was constrained by Covid-19, PRO Vietnam’s pilot activities will be stimulated this year. Last year, the complication of the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly constrained Packaging Recycling Organization Vietnam’s (PRO Vietnam) pilot collecting program. Against that context, in addition to the strategically switch to online platforms for media exposure, PRO Vietnam and their […]

Hội An aims to be ‘zero plastic waste’ destination

HỘI AN – The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the centre for Supporting Green Development and PRO Việt Nam have donated 54 ‘green houses’ (dust bins made from reform plastic) and waste classification tools to Hội An City’s Women’s Union to boost recycling and zero plastic waste in the community. The dust bins, which were […]

The role of enterprises in Vietnam’s net-zero emissions commitment by 2050

The business community will be a main driver in economic transformation towards more green and sustainable one. Addressing the COP26, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh stated: “We will make use of our own domestic resources, along with the cooperation and support of the international community, especially from the developed countries, in terms of finance and technology, […]

How companies are transitioning in circular economy

Despite the growing attention to circular economy in the public, the shift to business models seems to progress slowly. For a long time, our economy has been ‘linear’, meaning that raw materials are used to make a product, and after its use, any waste as packaging is thrown away. Through the time, the traditional model […]