
Let's make Viet Nam
Green - Clean - Beautiful

Sustainability and quality in packaging: insights from a global survey

A comprehensive study unveils the innovative strategies and industry perspectives that are driving the future of packaging. Industrial Physics, a US-based provider of packaging, product, and material testing, has unveiled insights into how professionals in the food packaging industry are responding to the growing demand for sustainability and consumer preference through innovative strategies for material […]

Piloting volume-based waste fees in Hoi An, Vietnam

The 2020 Viet Nam Law on Environmental Protection (LEP), which came into force in January 2021, includes new regulations on solid waste management. Article 75 stipulates that municipal solid waste from households and individuals must be separated into food waste, reusable and recyclable solid waste, and other waste. Article 79 stipulates that households and individuals must pay based on […]

Webinar about role of PROs in EPR implementation worldwide and recommendations for Vietnam

On 20th September 2023, Vietnam Circular Economy Hub will hold Webinar #5: Role of PROs in EPR implementation worldwide and recommendations for Vietnam, from 14h00 – 17h00. You can register here. In the context of the forthcoming enforcement of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) policy starting in 2024, producers and importers of batteries, lubricating oils, […]

PRO Vietnam and Annam Gourmet hosted a Plastic Recycling Workshop at RMIT

PRO Vietnam and Annam Gourmet joined forces on August 11th to host an impactful Plastic Recycling Workshop for the students of RMIT University, fostering awareness and action towards plastic waste reduction and environmental sustainability. The workshop was a dynamic platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas, offering a range of engaging activities aimed at […]

Plastic credits to support plastic waste collecting and recycling in Vietnam

1. What are plastic credits? Plastic credits are measurable, verifiable, and transferable units representing a specific quantity of plastic that has been collected from the environment or recycled.[1] Unlike carbon credits from plastic waste recycling   operations, plastic credits are direct units, without the need through conversion calculations. The mechanism of action of plastic credits is […]

These organizations are trying to tackle plastic pollution and poverty at the same time

Humanity has produced over 9.5 billion metric tons of plastic. That’s over one metric ton, aka 2,200 pounds, per each of the Earth’s 7.9 billion inhabitants. That plastic doesn’t go away. “All the plastic we’ve ever produced since the inception of the material is still here,” said David Katz, Founder and Chairman of Plastic Bank, a […]